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3 Questions to Ask Yourself When Considering a Rebrand

Are you considering a rebrand of your business or nonprofit? Maybe when you were first getting things off the ground, a strong brand and logo wasn’t top priority, so you threw something half-heartedly together.

Or maybe you’ve been around for awhile, but you know your brand needs a major facelift. Rebranding doesn’t have to mean a complete change of direction! It could mean giving what you already have a more modern and consistent look. Or it could mean a complete overhaul, it’s completely up to you.

If you are in the middle of considering this, here are three basic questions to ask yourself. Think through these questions, and see where you land.  

If someone only hears the name and tagline of my business or nonprofit, would they know what we do?

I know, it seems pretty basic, but it’s oh so important! The name and tagline of your business is most likely the first thing someone will hear or see when they engage with you or your marketing. If you are not clear from the very beginning, you risk losing or confusing your audience early on. Now, this doesn’t mean your business name itself needs to say exactly what you do, but if it doesn’t, do you have a tagline? Consider adding a short tagline that makes what you do crystal clear.

“Mike’s Automotive” is a pretty clear business name. We can safely assume that Mike does car repairs. On the other hand, a business name like “Vantage” gives me no idea as to what it is or what they do. Let’s say it was a specialized travel agent or tour company. They could add a tagline such as “custom travel experiences”.    

Is my logo clear, up-to-date and high quality?

After considering your name and tagline, it’s time to think about your logo. Along with your business name, your audience will also most likely see your logo from the very beginning. A few questions to ask yourself:

Is my logo crisp, clear and not pixelated?

Does my logo look outdated and old?

Do I have no more than 2-3 colors in my logo that are used throughout my entire brand?

Do I have a couple different variations or layouts of my logo I can use on different pieces of marketing material?

Does my logo give the look and feel that I want, matching my business aesthetic?

If you feel any of these areas could use some work, maybe it’s time to go back to the drawing board. You have two options. You could hire a designer to give your current logo a refresh and update, while still utilizing similar concepts or elements, or you can start from complete scratch, and build something brand new.

Your logo is like the fingerprint of your company! You want something you are proud of, that can be used on every marketing platform, and that your audience will experience brand recognition when they see it.

Does my brand have consistency across all of my marketing platforms?

This is one of the biggest culprits of brands that were put together on the fly, cheaply or quickly. A solid brand should have consistency across ALL platforms. You should have a mood board you reference any time you create a piece of marketing. This mood board should invoke the look and feel you want your brand to communicate. You should also have 2-3 brand colors and 2-3 fonts that are used throughout all your marketing. If you really want to kick it up a notch, the images you use should have a similar look and feel or filter, and even vectors or icons you use should match your brand. Consistency is key if you want to start building brand recognition.

If all of this feels overwhelming, it’s ok! Start with one or two things and work your way through your entire brand. Hiring an experienced designer will also be a huge help in getting your brand up to speed.

Creating a brand or rebranding your business doesn’t have to be tedious. It can be fun! It’s your chance to visually create the ethos, values and uniqueness of your company. Once you have built your solid brand, choose a rebrand launch date, and make it a celebration with your current audience. If they love your product or service already, they will be excited to see your new, updated and refreshed look. It can also be a marketing opportunity, offering specials, discounts, contests and drawings as a celebration of your new brand. Happy branding!

Need some help in rebranding your business?